Flat navigation and optionally re-label navigation for ODS DOCUMENT. The navigation bookmark level is reduced to one level only. Optionally a label can be applied to all content items or the navigation label can be removed completely.
Author: Katja Glass
Date: 2021-02-15
SAS Version: SAS 9.4
License: MIT
Comment: The navigation in PDF documents can be one level only with this macro. CONTENTS="" must be applied to the PROC REPORT as option and additionally for a BREAK BEFORE PAGE option.
Issues: The table of contents created per default by SAS (ODS PDF option TOC) is not linking the pages correctly when using BY groups and having one ODS DOCUMENT with multiple outputs, using single ODS DOCUMENTS (one per each output) then this is working correctly. In such a case, do use not a TOC or create an own TOC, e.g. like described here: https://www.mwsug.org/proceedings/2012/S1/MWSUG-2012-S125.pdf
Reference: A nice overview of ODS DOCUMENT can be found here: https://support.sas.com/resources/papers/proceedings12/273-2012.pdf
One label to apply on first element, all other labels are removed (optional), if not provided, labels are just rearranged and additional BY-labels removed
Indicator whether to use Bookmark Labels if none is specified (YES Default), if LABEL is missing and BOOKMARKLABEL = NO, all labels are removed
%*This will flatten the navigation and use the labels originally set with ODS PROCLABEL;
%*This will flatten the navigation and use the label "Table 1.1.1" applied to all items of this store;
%smile_ods_document_flat_label(document=doc_report1, label=Table 1.1.1);
%*This will flatten the navigation and use no navigation label at all (no navigation link at all for these items);
%smile_ods_document_flat_label(document=doc_report1, label=, bookmarklabel = NO);
%* Project : SMILE - SAS Macros, Intuitive Library Extension
%* Macro : smile_ods_document_flat_label
%* Parameters : DOCUMENT - ODS Document item store
%* LABEL - One label to apply on first element, all other labels are removed (optional),
%* ifnot provided, labels are just rearranged and additional BY-labels removed
%* BOOKMARKLABEL - Indicator whether to use Bookmark Labels if none is specified (YES Default),
%* ifLABEL is missingand BOOKMARKLABEL = NO, all labels are removed
%* Purpose : Flat navigation and optionally re-label navigation for ODS DOCUMENT. The navigation bookmark level is
%* reduced to one level only. Optionally a label can be applied to all content items or the navigation label
%* can be removed completely.
%* Comment : The navigation in PDF documents can be one level only with this macro. CONTENTS="" must be applied to
%* the PROC REPORT as option and additionally for a BREAK BEFORE PAGE option.
%* Issues : The table of contents created per default by SAS (ODS PDF option TOC) is not linking the pages correctly when
%* using BY groups andhaving one ODS DOCUMENT with multiple outputs, using single ODS DOCUMENTS (one per each output)
%* then this is working correctly. In such a case, do use not a TOC orcreate an own TOC, e.g. like described here:
%* https://www.mwsug.org/proceedings/2012/S1/MWSUG-2012-S125.pdf
%* ExampleProg: ../programs/test_smile_ods_document_flat_label.sas
%* Author : Katja Glass
%* Creation : 2021-02-15
%* License : MIT
%* Reference : A nice overview of ODS DOCUMENT can be found here: https://support.sas.com/resources/papers/proceedings12/273-2012.pdf
%* SAS Version: SAS 9.4
/*Examples:%*This will flatten the navigation and use the labels originally set with ODS PROCLABEL;%smile_ods_document_flat_label(document=doc_reports);%*This will flatten the navigation and use the label "Table 1.1.1" applied to all items of this store;%smile_ods_document_flat_label(document=doc_report1, label=Table 1.1.1);%*This will flatten the navigation and use no navigation label at all (no navigation link at all for these items);%smile_ods_document_flat_label(document=doc_report1, label=, bookmarklabel = NO);*/
%MACRO smile_ods_document_flat_label(document=, label=, bookmarkLabel = yes);
%LOCAL macro _temp;
%LET macro = &sysmacroname;
%LET _temp = -1;
%* Error handling I;
%* check: DOCUMENT must be specified;
%IF%LENGTH(&document) = 0%THEN%DO;
%PUT %STR(ERR)OR: ¯o - DOCUMENT parameter is required. Macro will abort;%RETURN;
%* check: BOOKMARKLABEL must be YES or NO;
%IF%UPCASE(&bookmarkLabel) NE YES AND%UPCASE(&bookmarkLabel) NE NO
%PUT %STR(ERR)OR: ¯o - BOOKMARKLABEL parameter must either be NO or YES. Macro will abort;%RETURN;
%* check - DOCUMENT must be an existing item store in WORK; PROC SQL NOPRINT;
WHERElibname="WORK"AND memname="%UPCASE(&document)"AND memtype = "ITEMSTOR"; RUN;QUIT;
%IF&_temp NE 1%THEN%DO;
%PUT %STR(ERR)OR: ¯o - DOCUMENT (&document) is no existing ODS DOCUMENT. Macro will abort;%RETURN;
%* Read information;
%* Error handling II;
%* check: DOCUMENT must contain content;
%LET _temp = -1; PROC SQL NOPRINT;
%IF&_temp = 0%THEN%DO;
%PUT %STR(WAR)NING: ¯o - DOCUMENT (&document) does not contain any observations - no action done;%RETURN;
%* Processing;
%* create a generic processing for PROC DOCUMENT;
%* Step 1: move all reports to /all and apply label; DATA _NULL_;
SET _props END=_eof;
ATTRIB coreLabel FORMAT=$200.;
RETAIN coreLabel;
RETAIN _count 1 _first 0 _core 0;
IF COUNT(path,"\") = 1 AND type = "Dir" THEN DO; _core = 1; %IF %UPCASE(&bookmarkLabel) NE YES %THEN %DO; CALL MISSING(coreLabel); PUT "updateOdsDocument - No label is used"; %END; %ELSE %IF %LENGTH("&label") > 2 %THEN %DO; coreLabel = "&label"; %END; %ELSE %DO; coreLabel = label; _first = 0; %END; END; IF type NE "Dir" AND _core THEN DO; CALL EXECUTE('MOVE ' || STRIP(path) || ' to \all;'); IF _first = 0 THEN CALL EXECUTE('SETLABEL \all#' || STRIP(PUT(_count,BEST.)) || "'" || STRIP(coreLabel) || "';"); _first = 1; _count = _count + 1; END; IF _eof THEN DO; CALL EXECUTE('RUN;QUIT;'); END; RUN; %* Step 2: remove all old hierarchies; DATA _NULL_; SET _props END=_eof; IF _N_ = 1 THEN CALL EXECUTE("PROC DOCUMENT NAME=&document;"); IF COUNT(path,"\") = 1 AND type = "Dir" THEN CALL EXECUTE('DELETE ' || STRIP(path) || ";"); IF _eof THEN CALL EXECUTE('RUN;QUIT;'); RUN;%*;%* Cleanup;%*; PROC DATASETS LIB=WORK; DELETE _props; RUN;%MEND smile_ods_document_flat_label;