Read PDF Bookmarks into a SAS dataset with the variables level, title and page
Author: Katja Glass
Date: 2021-02-13
SAS Version: SAS 9.4
License: MIT
Comment: Make sure to download PDFBOX, e.g. from here - the full "app" version
Issues: "unable to resolve class" messages mean the PDFBOX is not provided correctly. "ERROR: PROCEDURE GROOVY cannot be used when SAS is in the lock down state." means that your SAS environment does not support PROC GROOVY, for this the macro cannot run the groovy code.
Reference: PDFBox contains a lot of useful functionalities (
%* Project : SMILE - SAS Macros, Intuitive Library Extension
%* Macro : smile_pdf_read_bookmarks
%* Parameters : PDFFILE - name of PDF file with bookmarks
%* OUTDAT - output dataset
%* PDFBOX_JAR - path and jar file name for PDFBOX open source tool, e.g. &path/pdfbox-app-2.0.22.jar
%* Purpose : Read PDF Bookmarks into a SAS dataset with the variables level, titleandpage
%* Comment : Make sure to download PDFBOX, e.g. from here - the full "app" version
%* Issues : "unable to resolve class" messages mean the PDFBOX is not provided correctly.
%* "ERROR: PROCEDURE GROOVY cannot be used when SAS is in the lock down state." means that your SAS environment
%* does not support PROC GROOVY, for this the macro cannot run the groovy code.
%* ExampleProg: ../programs/
%* Author : Katja Glass
%* Creation : 2021-02-13
%* License : MIT
%* Reference : PDFBox contains a lot of useful functionalities (
%* SAS Version: SAS 9.4
/*Examples:%smile_pdf_read_bookmarks(pdfFile = <path>/ods_document_flat1.pdf, outdat = book_flat1, pdfbox_jar_path = <path>/pdfbox-app-2.0.22.jar)%smile_pdf_read_bookmarks(pdfFile = <path>/ods_document_noflat1.pdf, outdat = book_noflat1, pdfbox_jar_path = <path>/pdfbox-app-2.0.22.jar)*/
%MACRO smile_pdf_read_bookmarks(pdfFile = , outdat = , pdfbox_jar_path = );
%LOCAL jsonFile;
%LET jsonFile = %SYSFUNC(PATHNAME(jsonFile));
FILE _rdbkpd LRECL=5000;
PUT 'PROC GROOVY;'; PUT ' ADD CLASSPATH = "'"&pdfbox_jar_path"'";'; PUT ' SUBMIT;'; PUT ; PUT ' import;'; PUT ' import;'; PUT ' import;'; PUT ' import;'; PUT ' import java.util.ArrayList;'; PUT ; PUT ' import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;'; PUT ' import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage;'; PUT ' import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.outline.PDDocumentOutline;'; PUT ' import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.outline.PDOutlineItem;'; PUT ' import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.outline.PDOutlineNode;'; PUT ; PUT ' public class PDFReadBookmarks {'; PUT ; PUT ' public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {'; PUT ' ArrayList<String> aBookmarks = new ArrayList<String>();'; PUT ; PUT ' // Read the PDF document and investigate bookmarks into a list (JSON formatted)'; PUT ' PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(new File("'"&pdffile"'"));'; PUT ' PDDocumentOutline outline = document.getDocumentCatalog().getDocumentOutline();'; PUT ' addBookmark(aBookmarks, document, outline, 1);'; PUT ' document.close();'; PUT ; PUT ' // Print bookmark information into a file'; PUT ' FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter("'"&jsonFile"'");'; PUT ' PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(fileWriter);'; PUT ' printWriter.print(aBookmarks);'; PUT ' printWriter.close();'; PUT ' }'; PUT ; PUT ' static public void addBookmark(ArrayList<String> bookmarks, PDDocument document, PDOutlineNode bookmark, int level) throws IOException'; PUT ' {'; PUT ' PDOutlineItem current = bookmark.getFirstChild();'; PUT ' while (current != null)'; PUT ' {'; PUT ' PDPage currentPage = current.findDestinationPage(document);'; PUT ' Integer pageNumber = document.getDocumentCatalog().getPages().indexOf(currentPage) + 1;'; PUT ' String text = "\n{\"level\":" + level + ", \"title\":\"" + current.getTitle() + "\", \"page\":" + pageNumber + "}";'; PUT ' bookmarks.add(text);'; PUT ' addBookmark(bookmarks, document, current, level + 1);'; PUT ' current = current.getNextSibling();'; PUT ' }'; PUT ' }'; PUT ' }'; PUT 'ENDSUBMIT;'; PUT 'QUIT;'; RUN;%INCLUDE _rdbkpd;
LIBNAME jsonCont JSON "&jsonFile"; DATA &outdat(DROP=ordinal_root);
SET jsonCont.root; RUN;%MEND smile_pdf_read_bookmarks;