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Example program for macro calls of %smile_ods_document_flat_label

  • Author : Katja Glass
  • Creation : 2021-02-18
  • SAS Version: SAS 9.4
  • License : MIT

Initialize macros

%LET root = <path>;

set options for nice layout


Example 1 - empty ODS Document - warning expected

ODS DOCUMENT NAME = work.doc_empty (write);
%PUT The warning message is expected;

Log Output:

WARNING: SMILE_ODS_DOCUMENT_FLAT_LABEL - DOCUMENT (doc_empty) does not contain any observations - no action done
The warning message is expected

Example 2 - not existing ODS Document - error expected

%PUT The error message is expected;

Log Output:

ERROR: SMILE_ODS_DOCUMENT_FLAT_LABEL - DOCUMENT (doc_notexist) is no existing ODS DOCUMENT. Macro will abort
The error message is expected

Example 3 - create flat navigation PDF using one ODS DOCUMENT


  • the SAS TOC would be created a buggy linking (e.g. click "table 2" on TOC)
  • this had been reported to SAS(R)- it seems to be depending on viewer and whether the PDF is maximized or not
  • I am expecting no fix from SAS(R)

include program to create one ODS document containing many reports

%INCLUDE "&root/programs/";

Create direct output without any modifications - ODS Structure for DOC_RESULTS contains several levels

ODS Path ODS Type Item Label
\Report#1 Dir Table 1: By Group Report about shoes
\Report#1\ByGroup1#1 Dir Region=Canada
\Report#1\ByGroup1#1\Report#1 Table
\Report#1\ByGroup2#1 Dir Region=Pacific
\Report#1\ByGroup2#1\Report#1 Table
\Report#2 Dir Table 2: Table Class Output
\Report#2\Report#1 Table
\Report#3 Dir Table 3: Multiple outputs - Cars for make = Acura
\Report#3\Report#1 Table
\Report#4 Dir Table 4: Multiple outputs - Cars for make = Audi
\Report#4\Report#1 Table
\Report#5 Dir Table 5: Multiple outputs - Cars for make = BMW
\Report#5\Report#1 Table
\Report#6 Dir Table 6: Different label
\Report#6\Report#1 Table
\SGPlot#1 Dir Figure 1: Class graphic
\SGPlot#1\SGPlot#1 Graph The SGPlot Procedure
ODS PDF FILE= "&root/results/ods_document_noflat1.pdf" nocontents;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_results; replay; QUIT;

Navigation contains two levels, e.g. BYLINE categories Screenshot

update the document to flatten labels


ODS Document structure is arranged flat by macro

ODS Path ODS Type Item Label
\all#1 Table Table 1: By Group Report about shoes
\all#2 Table
\all#3 Table Table 2: Table Class Output
\all#4 Table Table 3: Multiple outputs - Cars for make = Acura
\all#5 Table Table 4: Multiple outputs - Cars for make = Audi
\all#6 Table Table 5: Multiple outputs - Cars for make = BMW
\all#7 Table Table 6: Different label
\all#8 Graph Figure 1: Class graphic

Create PDF out of modified ODS Document

ODS PDF FILE= "&root/results/ods_document_flat1.pdf" nocontents;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_results; replay; QUIT;

Navigation contains one level Screenshot

The following source can be used to see the structure of the ODS DOCUMENT

   LIST / levels=all details;

Example 4 - create flat navigation PDF using multiple ODS DOCUMENT - with re-labeling


  • a looping macro might be feasible for generic use
  • the SAS TOC is created and linking correctly
  • ODS PROCLABEL is ignored as the label is coming through the re-labeling

include program to create one multiple ODS documents - one per report

%INCLUDE "&root/programs/";

flat ODS Document structure per document, apply a specific label

ODS Path ODS Type Item Label
\Report#1 Dir Table 1: By Group Report about shoes
\Report#1\ByGroup1#1 Dir Region=Canada
\Report#1\ByGroup1#1\Report#1 Table
\Report#1\ByGroup2#1 Dir Region=Pacific
\Report#1\ByGroup2#1\Report#1 Table
%smile_ods_document_flat_label(document=doc_res1,label=Table 1);
%smile_ods_document_flat_label(document=doc_res2,label=Table 2);
%smile_ods_document_flat_label(document=doc_res3,label=Table 3);
%smile_ods_document_flat_label(document=doc_res4,label=Table 4);
%smile_ods_document_flat_label(document=doc_res5,label=Table 5);
%smile_ods_document_flat_label(document=doc_res6,label=Table 6);
%smile_ods_document_flat_label(document=doc_res_f1,label=Figure 1);

ODS Documents are flat now using a short label

ODS Path ODS Type Item Label
\all#1 Table Table 1
\all#2 Table

Create final PDF file

ODS PDF FILE= "&root/results/ods_document_flat2.pdf" CONTENTS;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res1; replay; QUIT;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res2; replay; QUIT;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res3; replay; QUIT;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res4; replay; QUIT;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res5; replay; QUIT;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res6; replay; QUIT;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res_f1; replay; QUIT;

Navigation and TOC contains one level with short bookmark labels, tables contain still full label

Bookmarks and TOC


First Table


Example 5 - create flat navigation PDF using multiple ODS DOCUMENT


  • a looping macro might be feasible for generic use
  • the SAS TOC is created and linking correctly

include program to create one multiple ODS documents - one per report

%INCLUDE "&root/programs/";

flat ODS Document structure per document, apply a specific label

ODS Path ODS Type Item Label
\Report#1 Dir Table 1: By Group Report about shoes
\Report#1\ByGroup1#1 Dir Region=Canada
\Report#1\ByGroup1#1\Report#1 Table
\Report#1\ByGroup2#1 Dir Region=Pacific
\Report#1\ByGroup2#1\Report#1 Table

ODS Documents are flat now using the original TITLE label

ODS Path ODS Type Item Label
\all#1 Table Table 1: By Group Report about shoes
\all#2 Table

Create final PDF file

ODS PDF FILE= "&root/results/ods_document_flat3.pdf" CONTENTS;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res1; replay; QUIT;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res2; replay; QUIT;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res3; replay; QUIT;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res4; replay; QUIT;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res5; replay; QUIT;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res6; replay; QUIT;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res_f1; replay; QUIT;

Navigation contains one level with original TITLE bookmark labels Screenshot

Example 6 - create flat navigation PDF using multiple ODS DOCUMENT - no entry for some items


  • Table 1 and Table 3 have no label and no bookmark entry, but are included in the PDF
  • a looping macro might be feasible for generic use
  • the SAS TOC is created and linking correctly

include program to create one multiple ODS documents - one per report

%INCLUDE "&root/programs/";

flat ODS Document structure per document, some should not contain a label

ODS Path ODS Type Item Label
\Report#1 Dir Table 1: By Group Report about shoes
\Report#1\ByGroup1#1 Dir Region=Canada
\Report#1\ByGroup1#1\Report#1 Table
\Report#1\ByGroup2#1 Dir Region=Pacific
\Report#1\ByGroup2#1\Report#1 Table

ODS Documents are flat now, some using no label

ODS Path ODS Type Item Label
\all#1 Table
\all#2 Table

Create final PDF file

ODS PDF FILE= "&root/results/ods_document_flat4.pdf" CONTENTS;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res1; replay; QUIT;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res2; replay; QUIT;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res3; replay; QUIT;
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res4; replay; QUIT;

Navigation and TOC for labeled entries, content of all is included in PDF

Bookmarks and TOC


Table 1 still in PDF


Example 7 - create flat navigation PDF using multiple ODS DOCUMENTS with custom TOC


  • Table 1 and Table 3 have no label and no bookmark entry, but are included in the PDF
  • a looping macro might be feasible for generic use
  • the SAS TOC is created and linking correctly

create ODS Documents and flat them

%INCLUDE "&root/programs/";

store the final PDF document with REPLAY options

ODS PDF FILE= "&root/results/ods_document_flat5_custom_toc.pdf" NOCONTENTS BOOKMARKGEN;

include a custom TOC, but without an anchor

PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_toc; replay; QUIT;

include tables with anchor

ODS PDF ANCHOR = 'table1_x1';
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res1; replay; QUIT;
ODS PDF ANCHOR = 'table2_x1';
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res2; replay; QUIT;
ODS PDF ANCHOR = 'table3_x1';
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res3; replay; QUIT;
ODS PDF ANCHOR = 'table4_x1';
PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res4; replay; QUIT;

Custom TOC and flat bookmarks are available Screenshot

Example 8 - create flat navigation PDF using multiple ODS DOCUMENTS - many outputs

create 100 ODS Documents, flat them and create the output in PDF

%INCLUDE "&root/programs/";
%MACRO do_it();
   %LOCAL i;
   %DO i = 1 %TO 100;
   ODS PDF FILE= "&root/results/ods_document_flat6_big.pdf" CONTENTS;
   %DO i = 1 %TO 100;
       PROC DOCUMENT name=doc_res&i; replay; QUIT;

Flat bookmarks are available Screenshot